Digital Corpus for Graeco-Arabic Studies

Galen: De Symptomatum Differentiis (Differences of Symptoms)

Kühn 1824

τὸ γράμμα. καὶ γὰρ δὴ καὶ γεγυμνασμένος τις ἐν τοῖς ὁμολογουμένοις ῥᾷον ἂν ἀκολουθήσειε τῇ τῶν ἀμφισβητουμένων κρίσει.


Title: Galen: De Symptomatum Differentiis
English: Differences of Symptoms
Original: Περὶ τῶν συμπτωμάτων διαφορᾶς

Domains: Medicine

Text information

Type: Original

Bibliographic information

Publication type: Book

Author/Editor: Kühn, Karl Gottlob

Title: Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia

Published: 1824

Series: Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia

Volume: 7

Pages: 42-84

Publisher: Cnobloch, Leipzig
